You don’t know! Three such things kept in the kitchen which do not have expiry date, know which….

Kitchen tips and tricks: There are some things in our kitchen that last for years, yet never deteriorate. In such a situation, it happens many times that you know and throw these things inadvertently. Today we will know about some such items which have no expiration date and you can use them for years without any hesitation. We will also learn about the correct way of storing it.


Do you know that there is no ending date of rice? If the rice is stored properly, it can last for years. For this you have to follow some simple tips. For this reason, always keep rice in airtight container. This will protect it from moisture and will not spoil for a long time.


Sugar and salt like rice also never spoil. You can also use it for years. Just keep in mind that sugar and salt should also be placed in airtight container. In addition, always use dried spoon when using. So that it does not become moist due to exposure to water or moisture.


Soy sauce

Soy sauce is also something that can last for years in your kitchen. Soy sauce has high sodium content, which prevents it from deteriorating. Use a glass bottle to store soy sauce and keep it in a cold place. This increases its shelf life greatly. Similarly, vinegar also lasts for a long time. You can also keep vinegar in the refrigerator.

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