Red capsicum is considered more nutritious and beneficial than orange. According to the USDA, red bell peppers contain 128 milligrams of vitamin C, more than any other food.
Vitamin C is very beneficial for health. It is found in abundance in fruits like orange and amla, but do you know that there is a vegetable which contains many times more vitamin C than these. This vegetable is added to food items like pizza, pasta, chapattis.
Which is better, oranges or red capsicum: According to the USDA, oranges contain 45 mg of vitamin C, while red capsicum contains three times more i.e. 128 mg of vitamin C. It is so nutritious that it increases immunity in winter and protects you from falling sick.
This is a red chilli, which is beneficial for eyesight. Many types of nutrients are found in it, which work to benefit the entire body. Let us know the benefits of red capsicum…
Why is Red Capsicum so Beneficial: Red Capsicum is rich not only in Vitamin C but also in Vitamin A. Skin related problems are also cured by its consumption. It can be effective in restoring eye strength.
Paprika also contains the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which help improve eyesight.
Good for eyesight: If you have problems like blurred vision or poor vision, then you should consume red capsicum. Its vitamin A and lutein-zeaxanthin antioxidants work to improve eyesight and distance. With this all eye problems can be cured.
There will be no heart attack, nor will fat bother you: Red capsicum also helps in keeping the heart healthy. This vegetable contains potassium and folate, which are essential for a healthy heart. Due to the high amount of fiber and water in it, fat does not increase. Drinking it after boiling is considered beneficial.