The month of December has started from today. As this month passes, many schemes will end. December 2024 is also the last month for taxpayers to update their Aadhaar card for free. ITR to be filed in the financial year 2023-24 can be filed only till 31st and Aadhar card can be changed for free only till 14th December.
free aadhaar update
The Unique Identification Authority of India has extended the date for making corrections in Aadhaar to 14th December. Till this date only, name, address and date of birth can be updated in Aadhar card for free. However, even after this the Aadhar card can be updated. You will just have to pay a charge for that.
Attention Taxpayers
Taxpayers who had not filed their income tax returns by the Income Tax Department by July 31, 2024. They have been given time till 31st December. This is the last date to file ITR. If taxpayers do not file income tax return by this date, they will have to file ITR with penalty.
Amendment in FD rate also
If you want to invest your money somewhere like this. Where the risk is less and you are planning to invest in FD, then this information is important for you. Because there are many banks which give good returns on FD and there is a possibility that they may revise their interest rates after December.
IDBI Bank Utsav FD
This bank offers different interest rates on its FD scheme for both common man and senior citizens. Customers will get benefits on FD of this bank only till 31st December. This bank is offering 7.05 percent interest to the common man on 300 day FD, 7.25 percent interest on 375 day FD and 7.20 percent interest on 444 day FD.