What are the disadvantages of eating garam masala: Spices have a special place in Indian kitchen. We add garam masala in many dishes which greatly enhances the taste of food, with the help of such spices herbal tea is prepared which is helpful in increasing immunity. In such a situation, one gets relief from cold, cough, flu and viral diseases.[AccordingtodietitianAyushiYadaveventhoughitsbenefitsarenotlessstillgarammasalashouldnotbeconsumedexcessivelyotherwiseonemayhavetosuffermanylosses[डाइटिशियनआयुषीयादवकेअनुसारभलेहीइसकेफायदेकमनहींहैंफिरभीगरममसालेकाअत्यधिकसेवननहींकरनाचाहिएवरनाकईनुकसानउठानेपड़सकतेहैं।
Harmful effects of eating too many spices
1. Stomach problems
Excessive consumption of hot spices can cause stomach problems. These can cause problems like heartburn, indigestion, acidity and indigestion. If someone already has digestive problems then they should reduce the amount of hot spices in their food so that they can remain healthy.
2. Vomiting may occur
According to many health experts, excessive consumption of pungent spices like chilli, cloves, coriander, black cardamom and black cardamom can be harmful to health. These spices may cause nausea, vomiting and pain.
3. Heart damage
Apart from this, excessive consumption of garam masala can also have a bad effect on your heart health. This increases the risk of increased blood pressure which ultimately causes heart diseases. Heart patients should avoid garam masala
4. Effects on oral health
Excessive consumption of hot spices can worsen oral health. This can also cause gum problems, such as swelling in the gums, pain and gum infection, etc. However, small amounts of hot spices can help remove cavities from teeth.