Even though it has been more than two years since the pandemic caused by the Covid virus ended. But many people face long-term health problems even after recovering from Covid, which is also common with other respiratory diseases.
Researchers at Oxford University in the UK analyzed data from 1,90,000 participants in a study that compared people hospitalized due to Covid and people hospitalized due to lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs).
what was the study
The researchers divided the participants into two groups – one group included people who were hospitalized due to Covid, while the other group included people who were admitted due to LRTI. These participants reported 45 physical and mental symptoms, which included symptoms related to the ears, nose, throat, respiratory, nervous system, digestive system and muscles.
quality analysis
The study findings have been published in JAMA Network Open. According to this, the risk increased for 23 out of 45 symptoms in people hospitalized with Covid, while the risk was 18 in those affected by LRTI. According to researcher Dr Junqing Shi, long-term symptoms after Covid are not new, they have also been seen in other serious respiratory infections.
Main symptoms of Covid
Dr. Junking said that Covid patients are facing symptoms like fatigue, difficulty in breathing and lack of concentration. Symptoms like loss of taste have also been mentioned in previous studies. The study also found that Covid patients had more difficulty thinking and communicating compared to other respiratory infections.