If you also sleep with your mobile phone on your pillow at night, then know its serious disadvantages

Side effects of keeping mobile phone near bed: Spending time on the phone after finishing the day’s work is everyone’s cup of tea. Lifestyle Apart from checking the messages received throughout the day and planning for the next day, people go to sleep after watching episodes of their favorite web series. But before sleeping, they either keep their phone on the pillow or keep it near their head on a table or chair. But, do you know that if you keep your mobile phone near your head all night, you can fall ill.

Sleeping with a mobile phone near the bed can cause serious damage to health. Actually, the radiation emitted from the mobile phone harms people. Let us know which diseases are caused by mobile phone radiation.

According to some studies, the blue light emitted from mobile phones can increase the problem of insomnia. This blue light can affect the level of sleep-inducing hormones, which can increase problems like insomnia.

Apart from this, mobile radiation has a bad effect on men’s health and problems like erectile dysfunction can increase in them. Sleeping with a mobile phone near the bed also has a bad effect on the brain. This can also cause problems like muscle pain and headache.

According to experts, you should not keep your phone too close to your body while sleeping at night. Keep the phone 3 feet or more away from the bed.

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