Do not make this mistake while paying credit card bill, otherwise you will have to pay extra amount.

Do not make this mistake while paying credit card bill, otherwise you will have to pay extra amount.

If you also use credit card then be careful. While paying credit card bill, many people make some mistakes which seem normal to you. But this mistake drowns you in debt. Many people do not understand that even after paying the bills, their bills still remain pending. Know here which mistakes should be avoided while paying credit card bill.

Don’t make mistakes in paying credit card bill

Remember the last date for bill payment: It is very important to remember the last date for paying credit card bill. If you are not able to pay the bill before the last date, you may have to pay late payment charges. Usually this amount is 20 percent to 30 percent of the bill.

Fill the full amount of the bill: While paying credit card bill, the entire bill should be paid. If you are not able to pay the full amount of the bill, you may have to pay interest. Interest rates on credit cards are very high.

Money in account: To pay the bill, you must have full money in your account. If not more, it should be enough so that your bill can be easily deducted.

Avoid selecting the option to pay in installments. This may seem like a one-time convenience but in the long run it burdens you with increasing interest.

Keep these things in mind while using credit card

Make a budget and stick to it. A budget can help you track how much you’re spending and how much money you need to save to pay the bills.

Use credit card only when needed, do not use credit card to buy unnecessary things.

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