Faridabad Police has revealed a sensational incident. A case of murder of a 6 year old child who went missing 2 days ago came to light in NIT police station area. In this case, Faridabad Crime Branch has detained the child’s uncle. According to the police, the name of the accused is Balram. Accused Balram lived in the neighborhood of the child’s house. On the evening of the day of the incident, the child went to the accused’s house while playing. Where the accused strangled the child to death. After the murder, he hid the child’s body in the bed and fled from there.
According to the police, the victim’s family had tried hard to find the child. When information about the child was not received, a complaint about the child’s disappearance was lodged at the NIT police station. Along with examining the CCTV footage, the police station also appealed to the general public through social media to provide information about the child.
Uncle was missing since the day of the incident
The child was being searched but he was not found, so the Police Commissioner took cognizance of the matter and handed it over to the Crime Branch. During the investigation, the Crime Branch team became suspicious of the child’s uncle Balram, who lived in the neighbourhood. Because he was missing since the day of the incident. Balram’s house was searched after which the child’s body was recovered from his bed.
Accused uncle has three children
Taking action in the case, the police took the accused into custody. After this the police started preliminary interrogation of the accused. Police said that the accused will be arrested after interrogation. According to the police, the accused Balram (40) is a resident of Bhagat Singh Colony, who works as a laborer in Delhi. He also has three children.