Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Sunday expressed deep condolences over the drowning of 11 persons due to torrential rains in Hoshiarpur. The Chief Minister said that it is very unfortunate that 11 members of a family from Himachal Pradesh, who were traveling in an Innova car, got stuck in the increased flow of water in a drain due to heavy rains.
He told that 9 members of the family have died, while the search for the remaining two is going on. CM Bhagwant Mann expressed grief over the death of 9 persons and said that I pray to God to give place to the departed souls in his feet. The Chief Minister also announced financial assistance of Rs 4 lakh to the heirs of the victim’s family. Bhagwant Mann said that he has already instructed the administration to expedite the relief work to search for the missing persons.
In fact, nine people including eight members of a family died while two others are missing after a car was swept away in a small rain-filled river in Jaijon, about 34 km from Hoshiarpur in Punjab on Sunday. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann expressed grief over this tragic incident and announced financial assistance of Rs 4 lakh to the family. Let us tell you that due to heavy rains in Punjab, the rain-filled river is in spate.