After Gautam Adani, SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband Dhawal Buch have issued a statement on the allegations of American short seller research firm Hindenburg. SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, while responding to the allegations on Sunday, said that show cause notices were sent to Hindenburg several times from our side. But, they did not respond to them. In return, they have questioned the credibility of a prestigious institution like SEBI and made false allegations. In fact, Hindenburg has claimed in a new report that Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband Dhawal Buch have a stake in an offshore company associated with the Adani Group. After this, Madhabi Puri Buch responded to this, calling the allegations baseless and an attempt to defame the character.
He said that it is very sad that instead of responding to these notices, Hindenburg has chosen to attack and defame SEBI’s credibility. Earlier, Gautam Adani had also responded to Hindenburg’s allegations and said that Hindenburg only wants to make profits by defaming, all its allegations are false and baseless. Hindenburg Research has also made a personal attack on the SEBI chairperson. Hindenburg released a report late Saturday night citing the so-called document and made several allegations against SEBI Chief Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband Dhawal Buch, after which everyone’s reactions have started coming. Let us also tell you in detail what else the SEBI chief said on the allegations…
Always informed about salary, bonus and stock
Madhabi Puri Buch and Dhawal Buch have given a detailed reply to Hindenburg’s allegations on Sunday, August 11. In this, they said that Madhabi Puri Buch, the first woman chairperson of SEBI, has studied from IIM Ahmedabad. She has more than two decades of experience in the banking and financial sector. Whereas, Dhawal Buch has been an alumnus of IIT Delhi. His career spans 35 years. We have always given information about our salary, bonus and stock.
SEBI chief told the truth
In a new reply, Madhabi Puri Buch has said that the investment in the fund mentioned by the shortseller was made in 2015, when both of them (Madhabi Puri Buch and Dhaval Buch) were private citizens of Singapore, this investment was made two years before Madhabi Puri joined SEBI, even before becoming a full-time member.
In her reply, the SEBI chief says that the decision to invest in this fund was taken on the advice of the fund’s Chief Investment Officer Anil Ahuja, who is Dhawal’s childhood friend and IIT Delhi friend. Ahuja had worked in organizations like Citibank, JP Morgan and 3i Group, he had decades of experience in investing. This is the reason why this investment was made, this is evident from the fact that when Ahuja left his position as the CIO of the fund in the year 2018, we redeemed our investment from that fund.