Superstar Salman Khan’s niece Alizeh is all set to make her Bollywood debut with ‘Farrey’.
The young debutant recently attended an event where she recalled learning dance from the late legendary choreographer Saroj Khan.”I was lucky to be able to learn dancing from Sarojji for a short span. Those are memories I will cherish, and I feel extremely grateful for our time spent together,” she shared.
Saroj Khan, famously known as “Master Ji” in the Indian film industry, left for her heavenly abode on July 3, 2020. Saroj Khan used to light the screens on fire with her graceful dance moves and on-point expressions, teaching the art to many notable film stars like Madhuri Dixit, Sridevi, and Kareena Kapoor.
Coming to ‘Farrey’, the film is directed by Soumendra Padhi and also stars Zeyn Shaw, Sahil Mehta, Prasanna Bisht, Ronit Bose Roy and Juhi Babbar Soni.
The official synopsis for the movie read, “What is the mystery behind Farrey? It is more than just a word. It is a thrilling journey waiting to be unravelled. Dive deep into the world of Farrey and watch this gripping story unfold on November 24th in cinemas near you!”Farrey is a slang word used by students for small chits of paper bearing answers, that they sneak into exam halls. The film will hit the theatres on November 24.