As the election date is coming closer in Madhya Pradesh, the election activities are also increasing. Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi held a road show in Bhopal today. This road show of Rahul Gandhi started from Bhopal North and ended in Bhopal Central. A large number of people have participated in the road show. A huge crowd was seen on the road. During this, while addressing a street meeting at Char Batti intersection of Bhopal, he said that he has to open a shop of love in the market of hatred.
Before the road show, Rahul Gandhi got down from the airport and reached Emami Gate. The road show started from this place. After this, it passed through Pir Gate, Moti Masjid and reached Wednesday in front of Saraswati Prakashan. The road show ended at Kali Mandir intersection of the city around 6.30 pm. This road show of Rahul Gandhi was about two and a quarter kilometers long and it covered 2 assembly constituencies. These two assemblies include Bhopal North and Bhopal Central.
Also read- How many OBC CMs did Congress make in MP? Shivraj’s question to Rahul Gandhi
Before starting the road show, Rahul Gandhi fiercely attacked BJP. He said, wherever BJP leaders go, they say study Hindi, there is no need for English. We say learn Hindi but English is also important. If you ask a BJP leader, she will tell that our children study in English medium schools, but we want children in tribal areas to learn English along with Hindi. They should dream big and fulfill them.
‘We call you tribals, BJP calls you forest dwellers’
He further said, we call you tribal, people of BJP call you forest dweller. Tribal means those who are the real owners of this land. Who have the first right on the water, forests and land of this country. Meaning of Vanvasi, those who live in the forest, who do not get any rights, but you are a tribal and will always remain a tribal.
Votes will be cast on November 17
Let us tell you that voting will be held for 230 assembly seats of the state on November 17. Voting is to be held in a single phase in the entire state. In such a situation, election campaigning by political parties has also intensified. According to political analysts, like every time, this time too the contest is directly between BJP and Congress, but candidates of many independent and small parties can spoil the equation on some seats.
Also read- Gandhi family’s orders follow in MP, Digvijay abuses- Shah