Lalu Prasad Yadav has especially set his sights on Ujiarpur Lok Sabha seat. He has publicly claimed to defeat Nityanand Rai, who has been MP from here twice. Nityanand Rai has given a befitting reply to deflate Lalu Prasad’s claims, but the big question is whether Lalu Prasad will field his elder son Tej Pratap or daughter-in-law Rajshree Yadav, who is supporting Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, to defeat Minister of State for Home Nityanand Rai. Is the wife of.
It is true that Lalu Prasad has been planning to send his family’s daughter-in-law Rajshree Yadav to Parliament for a long time. There are two Lok Sabha seats from where the Lalu family can contest the Lok Sabha elections this time. One name in this is Saran, while the other name is coming from Ujiarpur. Most of the voters in Ujiarpur are from Kushwaha community. At the same time, the alliance of Yadavs and Muslims is considered as a big force against any candidate.
Complete mathematics of politics is in favor of Lalu Prasad
Obviously, big leaders of that area from Kushwaha community are with RJD and its constituent parties in the current political environment. Therefore, the entire mathematics of politics is in favor of Lalu Prasad. He wants to ensure victory completely by fielding his family member from here.
Actually, Alok Mehta, a big leader of Kushwaha community, is a minister in the government from RJD quota. Be it former MP Ashwamedh Devi or Left MLA Ajay Kumar, everyone has an alliance with Lalu Prasad’s party RJD. Not only this, government minister Vijay Choudhary, who comes from an upper caste, also comes from this area and the statements of Mallah leader Mukesh Sahni every day seem to be going towards RJD. Putting all these factors together, Lalu Prasad has started considering Ujiarpur seat as very safe. Therefore, you can field any member of your family from here.
According to sources, Lalu Prasad has decided to field Rajshree Yadav from Ujiarpur. What Lalu Prasad definitely meant was that Tej Pratap Yadav, who is considered the weakest political link in his family, can also get Nityanand Rai’s bail confiscated. But, if sources are to be believed, Lalu Prasad will field Rajshree Yadav from Ujiarpur. At the same time, if Tej Pratap insists on contesting elections, he can be fielded from Saran.
Lalu is not ready to make Rajshree a candidate from Saran.
According to sources, Ujiarpur is a more favorable seat in the eyes of Lalu Prasad. Here both caste mathematics and caste chemistry go in favor of Rajshree Yadav. Apart from approximately three lakh Kushwaha community voters, Lalu Prasad is more confident about getting five lakh Yadav and Muslim voters in his favor. But, another big threat may arise for Rajshree in Chapra. Actually, Lalu Prasad’s elder daughter-in-law Aishwarya’s house is in Saran Lok Sabha constituency itself. Therefore, Lalu Prasad fears that if Rajshree is made the candidate from Saran, then elder daughter-in-law Aishwarya may be made the candidate against Rajshree.
These days Aishwarya is fighting a case against Tej Pratap Yadav in the court for divorce. Aishwarya also belongs to a political family and is the granddaughter of former Bihar CM Daroga Rai. Obviously, there is a possibility of fielding Aishwarya against Lalu Prasad’s daughter-in-law and Tejashwi Yadav’s wife Rajshree. Therefore, sources say that Lalu Prasad is in favor of Rajshree Yadav contesting the elections from Ujiapur only.
Will Nityanand Rai not be able to stand against RJD?
Lalu Prasad may have threatened to confiscate the bail, but Nityanand Rai is also considered a strong candidate from there. Nityanand had already fought with Lalu Prasad when Lalu Prasad used to be the CM of Bihar. In the year 1990, there was a plan to stop Advani’s Rath Yatra on the bridge between Patna and Hajipur. The entire administration was busy in doing this work, but due to the strong support of Nityanand Rai, it could not happen.
Advani could also hold a meeting in Hajipur. Obviously, due to his fighting spirit, Nityanand has been a four-time MLA and twice MP. Nityanand Rai’s hold is also not weak in that area. Therefore, Nityanand Rai has also accepted Lalu’s challenge and replied that Lalu can remove whomever he wants from the family. There will be no defeat for Nityananda and if it happens, he would prefer to resign from active politics and work at the booth level.
Nityanand has received the challenge from Lalu Prasad after the effort to get 20 thousand Yadavs membership of BJP on the occasion of Govarthan Puja. It is believed that Lalu Prasad was angry at Nityanand Rai due to BJP’s attempt to infiltrate among the Yadavs and has made a big announcement to defeat him, but the political discussion in Bihar about whose favor will go in the battle between the two maharathis. It has become faster.
Also read- Why does Lalu Yadav trust Lalan Singh more than Nitish Kumar?