A sensational incident has come to light in Banswara district of Rajasthan. Angered by the comments on a social media post, a young man killed his minor friend by stabbing him with a knife. The main reason for the murder is Instagram post. Deceased Arhaan Mansoori had commented on the post about his friend accused Amarnath Katra. Arhaan Mansoori had made fun of Amarnath’s sownness by commenting.
There was a fight between the two regarding this matter and the accused got angry and attacked Arhaan with a knife. He made 20 attacks one after the other and ran away leaving him in pain. After this the minor friend lost his life. Sensation spread in the surrounding area after the murder of a minor friend.
The matter is of Khandu Colony
The matter is of Khandu Colony of Rajatalab police station area of Banswara district. Where the accused 18 year old Amarnath had posted a post on his social media in Katara, on which Arhaan Mansoori had made fun of Amarnath’s sow. Amarnath got angry and attacked him with a knife and took his life.
Police scanned the CCTV footage and took the accused into custody.
After the report was filed by the brother of the deceased, the police started investigating the case. Police told that where Arhaan Mansoori had gone to play. CCTV cameras were installed there. When the police searched the CCTV footage, he was seen leaving. When the police arrested the accused Amarnath with the help of CCTV and interrogated him, he confessed to the crime of murder.