From this Rs 600 crore, around Rs 203 crore comes from the overseas markets while around Rs 397 crore is from the domestic market alone.Can Leo Surpass Jailer at Worldwide Box Office?
Even though the film will soon be released on an OTT platform, it will be looking at surpassing Jailer’s Rs 604 crore at the worldwide Box Office first. Now that would be another huge feat for the film and all the people associated with it. Interestingly, despite having zero promotions and non-dubbed versions, Leo has made good business in the Hindi market where it collected Rs 31.50 crore gross before Tiger 3 hit the screens as the big Diwali release this year. Leo has set the ball rolling for LCU, the first-of-its-kind cinematic universe in the Tamil film industry. It is only the second film in the universe after Kamal Haasan’s Vikram and has set the standards high. Have you watched Leo yet?