Priyanka Chopra has traveled from Bollywood to Hollywood. But at one time when she started her career, she used to shy away from talking to big stars. Priyanka started her acting career with the Tamil film Tamizhan with South star Vijay. After this, she turned to Bollywood. In Hindi, she debuted with Sunny Deol’s film ‘The Hero’. But Priyanka Chopra did not talk much to Sunny Deol initially during the shooting of this film. She herself told this in an old interview.
Priyanka Chopra had said, “I was very excited to work with Sunny Deol. He was a senior actor and I respected him a lot because of that.” During this, she told how she and Sunny Deol used to stay away from each other during the shooting. Priyanka had told, “I used to feel very shy in front of Sunny Deol. We used to sit in different corners. We used to talk only till hello and hi, nothing else.”
Priyanka had said that even when she used to talk to Sunny Deol, she would not make eye contact with him. She had said, “When I used to talk to him, I would sometimes look down, sometimes up and then down again. But when we became comfortable with each other, everything was fine.”
The debut film did not work
Priyanka Chopra’s Bollywood debut was not as expected. ‘The Hero: Love Story of a Spy’ was released in 2003. Apart from Priyanka and Sunny Deol, Preity Zinta was also in the lead role in the film. Actors like Amrish Puri, Kabir Bedi, Rajpal Yadav and Arif Zakaria were also in important roles in the film. The film was directed by Gadar fame director Anil Sharma. According to reports, ‘The Hero: Love Story of a Spy’ was made on a budget of about Rs 33 crore. However, this film could do business of only Rs 26 crore at the domestic box office.
Sensation created by second film
Priyanka’s Bollywood debut may not have been anything special, but her second film Andaaz was a hit. Priyanka Chopra became famous overnight with this film. Apart from Priyanka, Akshay Kumar and Lara Dutta were also in the lead roles. Directed by Raj Kanwar, this film did a business of Rs 28.80 crore worldwide. The makers spent Rs 8 crore on making this film.
Sunny’s strong comeback with Gadar 2
Sunny Deol’s Gadar, which came in 2001, was a blockbuster. But after that, for 22 years, Sunny Deol was yearning for a good hit. Last year, Sunny Deol rocked the box office with Gadar 2 and made a strong comeback in Bollywood after a long time. Currently, Sunny Deol is busy with Lahore 1947. It is being produced by Aamir Khan.