Before Rahul Gandhi’s visit to Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has asked many piercing questions to the Congress leader. Chief Minister Shivraj has accused Congress of discriminating against Other Backward Classes (OBC). CM Shivraj has questioned that on one hand Congress never made OBC Prime Minister and Chief Minister. At the same time, now Rahul Gandhi is misleading the public by talking falsely about the caste census. Questioning Rahul Gandhi, Chief Minister Shivraj said that today Rahul Gandhi is coming to Madhya Pradesh, so he will have to answer some of my questions.
Who was OBC from Ravi Shankar to Digvijay?
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan asked that Rahul Gandhi should tell how many OBC Prime Ministers has Congress given in India till now? Rahul will also have to tell how many OBC Chief Ministers has Congress made so far in Madhya Pradesh? CM Shivraj also questioned that till now there have been Chief Ministers in the state from Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla to Digvijay Singh. Rahul Gandhi, tell us how many of these were OBC Chief Ministers?
Congress did not leave even Sanatan women
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan did not stop here. He questioned that the leaders of Indi alliance are continuously insulting Sanatan Dharma. The leaders of this alliance are insulting the sisters and Dalits. In such a situation, why is Rahul Gandhi not breaking his silence? Is Rahul Gandhi giving his tacit support to this insult? The Chief Minister further said that even when mothers and sisters were insulted in the Indi alliance, Rahul gave his tacit support to these leaders.
Read this also – CM Shivraj Singh celebrated Diwali with his dear sisters, deposited money in his account
Always injustice to Dalits and backward people
Indi alliance leaders insulted Dalits. The treatment given to leaders like Jitan Ram Manjhi? Even then Rahul Gandhi why did you remain silent? Is this your tacit approval? Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan said that Congress has always done injustice to OBCs and Dalits.
Read this also – This time elections in Madhya Pradesh are based on Ram Bharosa, Congress is challenging BJP on Hindutva.