A sensational murder incident has come to light in Kanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. A case of murder of a female warden came to light in a hostel in Coaching Mandi located in Kakadev, Kanpur. After the suspicious body was found, initially the Kanpur Police was saying that the woman died due to illness. After the post mortem report of the dead body came, the accused of murder turned out to be a tiffin supplier. Strict interrogation by the police revealed that tiffin supplier Kuldeep had brutally murdered the warden.
The post-mortem of the deceased woman was done by a panel of doctors on the orders of the CMO. Its videography was also done. During the post-mortem of the body, the doctors made it clear that the woman died not due to disease but due to bleeding from private parts. The private parts were attacked with a sharp object. Along with this, he was hit on the head with some heavy object. Due to which the head bone was broken and the woman went into coma and died. Along with this, the doctor’s panel has prepared two slides due to the possibility of rape. In which rape has also been confirmed.
The accused confessed to the crime
The husband of the ward woman (35), originally from Hardoi, died due to illness in 2018. After this, the woman lived on the third floor of the hostel with her three sons and a daughter. What happened in his room on the night of 14th? Accused Kuldeep has accepted this after the post mortem report came. Kakadev police of Kanpur is preparing to arrest Kuldeep and send him to jail. Accused Kuldeep told in his confession that he had gone to party with his friends.
Attack on private parts with knives
During this time, there was a dispute between the two regarding their relationship. Due to this, he along with his friends killed the woman. In the entire incident, the police had said that along with the attack, the cause of death was over bleeding. While confessing to the crime, Kuldeep Yadav has confessed to forcibly raping her and also to assaulting her with a knife on her private part.
Police busy searching for 2 more accused
Kanpur Police has breathed a sigh of relief by revealing the murder case. Along with the arrested accused Kuldeep, a search has been started for the other two associates. In the entire episode, ADCP Aarti Singh said that strict action will be taken against the accused who committed the crime of sexual harassment and cruelty along with the relations behind the murder.
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