Hearing the word pickle makes the mouth water. All types of pickles are available including mango pickle, lemon, karonda, amla, cabbage, carrot, radish, bitter gourd. If pickles are included in the food plate then it becomes a different pleasure. But sour and tasty pickles are also harmful for health. According to health experts, the habit of eating too much pickle can prove harmful for you.
Eating pickles with parantha for breakfast or eating pickles for lunch or dinner is not good for health. Doctors say that the habit of eating too many pickles can make you sick. Let us know how pickles harm our body.
too much sodium
The high sodium present in pickles or similar salty foods increases blood pressure through natural action. Eating too many pickles increases excess sodium chloride intake, which can lead to high blood pressure and other chronic diseases.
effect on kidneys
A regular medium-sized mango pickle has about 569 mg of sodium. Our body requires 2,300 mg daily. If the amount of salt in pickle is high then the amount of sodium in the food also increases. Due to this, water retention, swelling in stomach, high blood pressure and effect on kidneys are seen. Foods that are high in salt reduce the absorption of calcium. Due to which bones can become weak.
high cholesterol
Oil is mostly used in making pickles. This oil increases cholesterol level. Frequent consumption of pickles increases the risk of heart disease. According to health experts, high cholesterol not only harms the heart but also the liver. Let us tell you that pickle oil contains trans fat, which increases LDL i.e. bad cholesterol, hence if you eat pickles then eat it in limited quantity only. Try not to include it in your diet every time