Under the Delhi Chief Minister Teerth Yatra Scheme, the 82nd train carrying 780 elderly people left the capital for Rameshwaram on Thursday. Before the yatra, a bhajan evening was organized at Tyagaraja Stadium for all the pilgrims. During this, Revenue Minister Atishi met the pilgrims and handed over their travel tickets and kits. Here, Revenue Minister Atishi while welcoming all the pilgrims said that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is today’s Shravan Kumar. He said that this unique scheme of pilgrimage will continue.
Delhi government minister Atishi said that your son Arvind Kejriwal has done whatever he thought in Delhi. He said that every person wishes to go on pilgrimage in old age, the Chief Minister of Delhi has today fulfilled the wish of all those elderly people. Atishi said that there are many people who either do not have money or they do not have time. For all of them, this scheme of Chief Minister Kejriwal is like a dream come true.
Till now more than 78 thousand elders have undertaken pilgrimage
Delhi Minister Atishi said that Arvind Kejriwal ji has come as his son for the elders of Delhi, who like Shravan Kumar is making every elder of Delhi go on pilgrimage. He said that I am happy that under the Chief Minister Teerth Yatra Scheme, till now the Chief Minister has taken more than 78 thousand elderly people on pilgrimage through 81 trains.
The Revenue Minister said that I am happy that for the last several times, more than 80 percent of the elders going on pilgrimage are women. This is a very good thing because in our society a woman spends her entire life serving her family. Often women put themselves behind and put their family first.
,@ArvindKejriwal He considers every elder of Delhi like his parents.
Thanks to him, today the 82nd train of the Mukhyamantri Teerth Yatra Yojana is taking the elderly people of Delhi to Rameshwaram!
Today participated in Bhajan Sandhya along with all the pilgrims going to Rameshwaram Dham. pic.twitter.com/A4JvB6iJEz
— Atishi (@AtishiAAP) November 16, 2023
Kejriwal becomes Delhi’s Shravan Kumar
He said that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, in the role of Shravan Kumar for the elderly of Delhi, has so far sent more than 78 thousand elderly people on pilgrimage through 81 trains from Delhi and his promise is that no matter how many obstacles come their way, But he will not let the process of pilgrimage for the elderly stop and will organize a pilgrimage for every elderly person in Delhi.
The Revenue Minister wished the pilgrims all the best for their journey and appealed that all of you have a good darshan during the journey and pray to God for the progress of the country and Delhi. He also told the pilgrims that when you all reach Rameshwaram, you must pray for the happiness and prosperity of your family as well as the country and the people of Delhi.
AC trains, AC hotels for pilgrimage
Revenue Minister Atishi said that under this scheme, Kejriwal government sends passengers by AC train. AC hotels are booked for them. She makes arrangements for food, drinks and darshan on time and does not allow even a single occasion to arise where the elderly have to face any problem. As the son of the elderly of Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal ensures that all the facilities for the elderly remain in good condition during the entire journey.
Kejriwal government provides darshan of these pilgrimage sites
Delhi Government Visit to Rameshwaram, Dwarkadhish, Somnath, Nageshwaram, Jagannathpuri, Baba Mahakal, Tamkeshwaram in Shirdi, Tirupati Balaji, Ayodhya, Mata Vaishnodevi, Pushkar, Fatehpur Sikri, Golden Temple in Amritsar, Kartarpur Sahib, Mathura-Vrindavan and Haridwar at own expense. Gets it done. Eligible passengers can choose the journey of their choice.
To participate in these yatras, all pilgrims have to apply through the online portal. After scrutiny of the applications, Delhi Government makes arrangements to facilitate their travel to the pilgrimage sites of their choice.
Delhi government makes every arrangement for pilgrims
Delhi Government takes the responsibility of transportation of pilgrims from their homes to the railway station and back home. After reaching their hotel, it also makes arrangements for local travel to and from the pilgrimage sites. During the journey, all the pilgrims are provided accommodation and food and breakfast in good hotels. Every pilgrim is given a kit, which contains bedsheet, umbrella, blanket, towel and bath kit and other essential items so that they do not face any inconvenience during the journey.